(860) 266-2580

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We are one of the nation’s leading wildlife pest control services! Resolving and getting rid of pests for the past decade, our wildlife specialists are highly trained and adept in dealing with various animals from all shapes and sizes! Whether you need to get rid of raccoons, skunks, snakes, bats hanging around your attic, and moles destroying your beautiful lawns, our services are one call away to deal with your problem effectively. We offer phone call estimates for free and our animal experts will happily guide you in dealing with the critter that you’re facing. We service for homeowners, property management companies, industrial factories, and municipalities. As one of the leading wildlife pest control in the nation, we integrate a broad range of approaches to ensure better wildlife management such as wildlife removal, animal damage repairs, and prevention. Our teams have been up to date with the latest methods and utilize various tools to guarantee that repairs and infestations are dealt with effectively. Our highly trained experts are equipped to deal with all kinds of critters and ready to repair any kind of damage in your property. You can give us a call anytime and schedule us on the same day for a thorough inspection.